About Us

Mona Mukhija is a Delhi NCR-based holistic healer specialises in the following modalities:

  1. Past Life Regression Therapist
    (Also deals with Foreign Body dynamics),
  2. Age Regression Therapist,
  3. Master Reiki Healer,
  4. Jyotish Acharya (Astrologer),
  5. Ank (Numerologist) Acharya,
  6. Vastu Acharya (Commercial and Domestic),
  7. Tarot Reader and
  8. Palmist

At CHH we use all the above mentioned modalities as a harmonious whole to find solutions to your problems and provide healing if required. All the modalities are interconnected and use is made of these in an overlapping way. For example, astrology and vastu are used together to find the best place and direction for you to work and live in. We use numerology-vastu- astrology together to enhance career and relationships. We use Reiki and Past Life and Age Regression as a means of healing so that you become whole and complete.

COPYRIGHTS © 2025, Mona Mukhija | Centre for Holistic Healing. All rights reserved.

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